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Wednesday, December 31, 2008


Well, my friends, here we are at the very end of 2008.  It has most definitely been one to remember, and I hope that 2009 is just as good.  Here's what I loved at the movies this year.  Enjoy.


- Top 10 Films -


10)  Pineapple Express
I don't really understand why this didn't get a better response from movie-goers.  After all, it's essentially the best 80s style action comedy to hit the big screen in roughly forever.  I wonder if Seth Rogen realizes that he has done too well too fast?  His backlash will be brutal.

09)  The Curious Case Of Benjamin Button
This is not a perfect film (seriously, the clock bit and Hurricane Katrina are straight useless), but it's so beautifully shot and acted that you can't help but get caught up in it all.  If there was an award for being clever and/or interesting then this would win easily.

08)  Iron Man
Easily the most entertaining flick of the year.  Robert Downey Jr. was fantastic, Gwyenth Paltrow (who I normally could do without) was adorable and, most importantly, it was an origin story that was actually FUN.  Here's hoping the sequel can keep the good times going.

07)  Appaloosa
As a kid I absolutely despised Westerns, so it really cracks me up that I found this to be so enthralling.  Why doesn't Ed Harris direct more films?  He's really talented behind the camera.  Also, would it be possible to put Viggo Mortensen in everything?

06)  Slumdog Millionaire
I've now seen this a couple of times and, while I still think that it is a big sloppy mess, I'm convinced that I'll never tire of watching how the story of two star-crossed lovers unfolds.  Danny Boyle is undoubtedly one of the best directors working right now.

05)  JCVD
I'm not sure that I can recall a film that has managed to simultaneously smash my heart into a thousand pieces and fill it with hope, but that's why JCVD did.  I sincerely hope that we get to see Mr. Van Damme continue on with work that doesn't just see him kicking people in the face.  Although, that wouldn't be the most terrible thing ever.

04)  Wall*E
I don't know how Pixar does it.  Actually, let me clarify, I don't know how they continue to get better at it.  This isn't just one of the best movies of the year, it belongs on the all time sci-fi list.  I eagerly await to see where they'll be taking me next with UP.

03)  Man On Wire
Did you know that someone tight roped walked between the World Trade Center towers?  I sure didn't, but Man On Wire is done in such a vibrant way that I'm being completely honest when I say that it left me feeling as if I had lived it.  All documentaries should be this good.

02)  The Dark Knight
Surprise!  This is at #2.  What more can I really say about this movie?  It is the pinnacle of the superhero fad that Hollywood is all about right now, and it makes me feel terrible for Christopher Nolan - there's just no way he'll ever be able to top this.

01)  Let The Right One In
A long time ago there was a rather stylized film that eviscerated my brain and took my breath away.  It was called Oldboy.  This, while maybe not as slick, had the same effect.  If every film you saw in 2008 failed to make a real impact then I beg you to see Let The Right One In.  It'll sweep you off your feet, I promise.


- Top 5 Worst Films -

05)  Australia
I see what Baz Luhrman was going for, but this thing felt like three separate movies crammed together just for the hell of it.  Talk about your overdone, should have been a mini-series on ABC kind of catastrophes.

04)  Hancock
Does anyone else agree that Will Smith needs to take a break?  He's steadily gone from the great kind of popcorn fun (Men In Black) to crap like this.  It hurts even more when you realize that this had the potential to be stellar.

03)  Step Brothers/Semi-Pro
In addition to Will Smith, Will Ferrell also needs to take a bit of a hiatus so that he can figure out how to do something that doesn't involve yelling or playing an athlete.

02)  Vantage Point
I hate to put this here since it had such good intentions, but the constant rewinding and cookie-cutter plot made me want to scratch my eyes out.  Sometimes a nifty gimmick is not a good reason to make a movie.

01)  Body Of Lies
Aside from me wanting everyone involved with this to feel a massive amount of shame for creating such uninspired nothingness, I want Hollywood to stop making films about the Middle East.  Sure, the situation is terrible over there and I bet there are plenty of great stories, but they've yet to find or create anything worth telling.  Time to quit.

- Top 5 Guilty Pleasures -


05)  Bolt
This is here because I'm fairly certain I'm not suppose to like it.  Generic plot?  Yes.  Celebrity voices?  Doubly Yes.  On the other hand, is it so charming that I can't wait to see what else Pixar helps Disney churn out?  You bet.

04)  Strange Wilderness
Admittedly, this movie is stupid.  The jokes are wildly immature, much of the movie feels poorly improvised (the end is essentially a blooper) and the acting is horrific.  Still, I can't help but laugh at it all.  Steve Zahn rules.

03)  Baby Mama
This is easily the most generic film that I saw all year, but I have this thing that won't allow me to resist Tina Fey and Amy Polar, who are very funny together.  Plus, it's a total feel good story.  How can you not like that?

02)  Wanted
Some of you will probably say that this is the dumbest film of the year, but for me it was the first time that I actually felt like I was watching a video game play out on the big screen.  If you ask me, this kind of over the top doesn't come around enough.

01)  Sex Drive
Yes, I know that countless others have done the "young people coming into their own" thing a bazillion times.  This, though, was different.  Sort of.  Ok, not really.  It is what everyone has done before, but you know what?  It had heart and whole lot of laughs.  Give it a shot when it hits DVD.


- Side Notes -

15 Other Films Worth Seeing
Role Models, In Bruges, Redbelt, Burn After Reading, The Foot Fist Way, Forgetting Sarah Marshall, Tropic Thunder, Hellboy II: The Gold Army, Rambo, Marley And Me, Mongol, Quantum Of Solace, Zack And Miri Make A Porno, Kung Fu Panda, The Incredible Hulk

Two Films That Got Hated On Way Too Much
Speed Racer, Indiana Jones And The Kingdom Of The Crystal Skull

5 Films That Are/Were In Wide Release That I Still Need To See
Vicky Christina Barcelona, Milk, Frost/Nixon, Doubt, Rachel Getting Married

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