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Monday, August 4, 2008

- The Secret Machines - Stubb's (Inside) - Austin, TX -


To be honest, I have no idea how many rough drafts of this show review that I've written, but let's just say that it's an absurdly unreasonable number.  So, what's the problem?  Confusion.  I seriously do not know how I feel about the show that I saw on Saturday night.

On one hand it was exactly what I wanted in that I finally got to see the Secret Machines take the stage and attempt to blow out my ears.  I got to hear the brilliant gems that are Lightening Blue Eyes, Nowhere Again and Alone, Jealous And Stoned.  I also got to actually see them create their booming ways a few feet in front of me.  It truly was an interesting and cool all around time that I'm certain just about everyone in attendance loved.

Yet, as I walked out of Stubb's I couldn't help but feel a little bummed out.  A lot of new material was played, which was nice, but given that the trio love to extend everything into 12 minute jam sessions it was hard to digest what was going on.  It also means that their choices from their back catalog were pretty limited, so all of that excitement I had built up to hear The Road Leads Where It's Lead, First Wave Intact, Daddy's In The Doldrums or any of their older tunes was just wasted effort.  I also was not a big fan of how quick the band was with the crowd.  Sure, there were some fools there (when does a show not have these crazy people?), but is not better to just let it go and have a good time?  They frequently looked annoyed out of their minds.

At any rate, I realize that this whole review is semi-enthusiastic and weird, but it isn't because I didn't enjoy the performance.  I did.  I was just expecting the world, and the guys weren't able to deliver.

Maybe next time.

:The Secret Machines - Nowhere Again:
:The Secret Machines - Lightening Blue Eyes:


- John Laird -

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