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Thursday, April 10, 2008


For someone that's always talking about how much they like underground hip hop, I rarely post any.  Why?  I have no idea.  What I do know is that every single time I make an effort to share more I end up being disappointed that I can't find enough acts to rave about.  So, I'm just going to keep rolling along as always and rambling about random new releases from (rare?) talent like Common Market, who I remember from way back in my college radio days.  At that time they (aka RA Scion and Blue Scholar's Sabzi) had a self titled full length that was blowing my mind, and now they have an EP titled Black Patch War that's doing the same.  If you've been looking for something that doesn't feature "Lil" in front of it then jump below and freak your senses out.  Enjoy.

:Common Market - Black Patch War:  Considering that this song is essentially about small time farmers in Kentucky rebelling against Big Tobacco, it's surprisingly vivid.  And by that I'm not talking about RA Scion's fine lyrical skills when it comes to describing the previously mentioned events.  Nope, I mean the music, which is so very close to being overwhelming, and the powerful delivery of the vocals.  These two really come at you full force to see if they can shake you up and open your eyes, so be ready.

There wasn't much of quality to chose from over at Youtube, but I did come across this video of the guys performing Push at a launch party in Seattle for Massline Records.  The crowd looks like one worth remembering.


- John Laird -

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