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Tuesday, September 4, 2007


Well, the Austin Sound's one year anniversary celebration went amazingly well.  I especially had a good time since I got to DJ for the first time, which was all at once strange and satisfying.  It was like blogging but without the writing part.  At any rate, I can't wait to do it all again next year.  If you weren't able to make it out this past Saturday then I will assume that you were able to make good use of your extended Labor Day weekend.  As such, my guess is that it consisted of a substantial amount of partying and you don't need anything too complicated today.  This is why I have Pora! Pora! and their chair smashing, fist pumping style of pop rock.  If you can find a reason to not let this quartet put a pep in your step today then I recommend checking your pulse.  Enjoy.

:Pora! Pora! - Black Water:  "I thought I knew what I had gotten into."  In the intro I gave a little hint as to how upbeat this band is, but much like the lyric you probably aren't expecting what you're going to get, which is two minutes and 43 seconds of raw energy.  Trust me when I say it will have you quickly kicking your rolling desk chair back so that you can jump up and flash your signature rock pose.  Don't think, just take the moment provided and have some fun.

:Pora! Pora! - So Cinematic:  Honestly, this and the other song are interchangeable.  They both have the same breakneck pace, crafty songwriting and catchy guitar work.  Fortunately, none of that matters in the least bit.  In fact, an entire album of music this easy to pick up and love should be adored by all.  If a band is going to keep the sound of each of their songs similar then they need to be putting as much zeal into them as Pora! Pora! does here and everywhere else.

- John Laird -

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