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Thursday, March 29, 2007


Let's get back to being ahead of the curve today with a couple of tracks from Art Brut's new EP.   The set of songs comes as a teaser for the pop punk band's second full length, It's A Bit Complicated, that will be available for public consumption on June 26.  I think Art Brut are amazingly good and even though they are already well known I have the feeling that this year might be their time to really blow up, especially since the band is claiming that the new LP is going to be poppier than the first.  Enjoy the EP but as you do so keep in mind that the songs that I have are both unmastered and only two of the five that are on it.  I'm sure that if you want the other three it wouldn't take but a second to find them if you hit up Elbo or Hype Machine.

:Art Brut - Nag Nag Nag Nag:  According to the Mute website this is the brand new single from Art Brut and it isn't too hard to see why they would choose this one since it sounds as if they have really perfected their blend of punk and brit pop in a way that is even more fun than before.  As you always should when listening to Peter Argos and Co. be sure to notice all the lines that are so witty you wish you had wrote them.  My favorite are: "A record collection reduced to a mixtape/With headphones on I made my escape" and "I'm nothing to my peers but envy and hatred/How many girls have they seen naked?"

:Art Brut - Direct Hit:  I love this because of the insane 80s hair metal riff that kicks off the song.  Actually, I think I adore that part so much because as soon as it comes on your immediate thought is that the song is either going to be badass or assbad.  I suppose that since it's Art Brut it should comes as no surprise that it ends up being badass.  Be warned that the level of fun the band is having in this song will undoubtedly infect you and cause your day to be filled with sunshine and the urge "to move around like your shoes don't fit."

- John Laird -

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