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Wednesday, December 5, 2007


For an act that hasn't actually had an official release in 2007, I don't think anyone has been talked about more than Cassettes Won't Listen.  Jason Drake, the main brain behind the act, has been steadily feeding the world a myriad of covers this year, and everyone has eaten them up in order to calm themselves in what has become an anxiety-filled, forever long wait for the all original full length, Small-Time Machine.  Personally, I kind of wish the guy would quit goofing around and put the damn album out.  Though, here I am again rambling about CWL and another cover song, so I'm clearly a huge hypocrite when it comes to what Jason does with this time.  I blame the weather.  Anyway, you can download a whole EP of cover songs next week on CWL's site.  Do it.  Enjoy.

:Cassettes Won't Listen - Change (Blind Melon Cover):  This gem is actually much different than the other covers that have been released.  The sound is much more laid back, and it feels as if you could listen while lounging around, which means that it would actually allow you to avoid any sort of incessant need to dance around like there's no tomorrow.  Sure, maybe it doesn't mean all that much that it isn't an all out, charged up pop tune, but on my end I'm thinking that I really like the morsel of versatility that is being shown.  Count this as one more reason as to why I need to hear the full length.

As far as physical copies are concerned I'm not entirely sure where Where Did Go can be found.  Maybe it's suppose to be Small-Time Machine?  Who knows.  I suppose all that matters is that the song and the video are pretty great together.


- John Laird -

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