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Tuesday, November 14, 2006

One of the things I love most about having this blog is sharing stuff with all of you that will do its best to completely screw up your Top Albums Of 2006 List.  You know you keep a running tab of what you think is the best throughout the year and if you are anything like me then it changes pretty often, especially when bands like Pony Up throw out stellar efforts like Make Love To The Judges With Your Eyes.  I shouldn't be too surprised that the band's debut is utterly amazing since they worked with recorder Howard Ian Bilerman (The Arcade Fire, Wolf Parade) and engineer Brian Paulson (Beck, Wilco).  That's not even mentioning the fact that Pony Up, who formed on New Year's Eve in 2002, is an all girl band that is adored by Ben Lee.  Laura, Sarah, Lindsay and Lisa rock hard so be warned that you will probably instantly fall in love with them and their music.

:Pony Up - The Truth About Cats And Dogs (Is That They Die):  This song is one of the most accessible songs that I have heard all year and I think it is because of how youthful and charming it feels.  The energy that drives home those feelings is especially prevalent in the music but the crafty songwriting certainly doesn't hurt; I love how this is something that burrows deeps into your head with the intentions of never leaving.  This comes highly recommended as long as you are OK with not wanting to listen too anything else for at least a day.

:Pony Up - Shut Up And Kiss Me:  This song is from the band's self titled EP that came out last year and is one of my favorites from their catalog.  What really gets me about this song is how playful and innocent it feels despite lyrics like "I am sorry that you're stupid/I can't be your fucking cupid."  The ladies in Pony Up may try to come across as sweet and innocent but I am onto their mischievous ways; the only thing is that I am enjoying it too much to hold it against them.

Make Love To The Judges With Your Eyes is available here and it really is one of the most fun releases this year so pick it up if you can.  Make sure to visit the band on Myspace for friendship with four lovely ladies and some more music from one of the best bands to ever come out of Montreal, Canada.

- John Laird -

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