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Thursday, August 24, 2006

In all honestly I have pretty much managed to avoid anything Killers related since sometime in 2005. It is not that I do not like the band but I, like most people I know, had grown tired of hearing "Mr. Brightside" 119 million times a day. This was especially bad at my former college radio station where DJ's, who were ignorant about the music, would use the Killers as a staple in their playlist because it was the only thing they knew. So as you can imagine when word started to spread about the new single, "When You Were Young," I wasn't exactly first in line to check it out. After hearing some positive comments I decided it was time to give it a listen and share my thoughts on it. As always I gave you a little something extra to go along with the new single. Enjoy.

:The Killers - When You Were Young:  I have to admit that I really like this song. My first instinct upon hearing about the return of the Killers was that their 15 minutes of fame would be over as soon as they released "Sam's Town" and experienced the dreaded sophomore slump. Oops. Everything about the song is pretty similar to most of "Hot Fuss" and especially their mega hit "Mr. Brightside." The band claimed that this is one of the best albums of the last 20 years and while it seems to have gotten off to a positive start, that may be a bit of a reach. Once I get the full release I will decide that for myself but it would not surprise me if the band, who makes Top 40 kids feel like they are into the indie scene, actually pulls it off.

:The Killers - Why Don't You Find Out For Yourself (Morrissey Cover):  I found this cover song over a year ago while I was searching for some something totally irrelevant and I have always had a nice amount of respect for it. The sound quality of the song is not that spectacular but it is solid, plus the band makes the song feel like an original piece of work and not just a cover. While I like the Killers style of music I am especially drawn to Brandon's vocal style. I may be a little worn on anything from "Hot Fuss" but I know that I could listen to the disc now and still enjoy it because of Brandon. The same goes for this song and I am sure it will apply to their new disc.

- John Laird -

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