Tagged: major major major

2014 Austin Essentials: Volume 1

It’s taken me a couple of weeks, but I’ve finally manged to get my 2014 Austin Essentials list all perfectly hammered out  And by perfectly hammered out, I mean “I’m pretty sure I got 91%...

Silver Ships, Vagabond Collective (Jennifer)

Silver Ships, the concept of songwriter and multi-instrumentalist Chazz Bessette, have released the first single from their long awaited debut album Songs From A Room That Never Moves.  With jangly guitars, sweet and uplifting melodies and...

Guest Mix: Major Major Major

The SOTO staff rambles on enough, so every now again we like to bring in a guest.  This month it’s Adrian and Andrew, the duo behind Major Major Major.  Come out on June 27 and see...

2013 Austin Essentials: Volume 1

A couple of weeks back I was thinking about my annual Top 50 Songs/Top 25 Albums lists (expect those to start on 12/2), and it dawned on me that I should do something separate specifically...

Stream This

The SOTO inbox is always full of cool stuff that never gets to see the light of day on the actual site, and I’d like to change that.  So, every Friday I’ll be posting the...